
CMB may be configured to use custom branding, such as icons, splash screens, and the about dialog, by setting properties for the project.

By default, the modelbuilder application will be built, and the CMakeLists.txt and resources to do so can be found under the modelbuilder/ directory.


To set properties for CMB, use the cmb_set_property API.

cmb_set_property(NAME "MyApplicationName")

Properties can be broken into three groups, Application, Resource, and Information.

Application Properties
Name Default Description
NAME modelbuilder Exported name of the appalication.
APP_NAME <NAME> Name of the binary executable to build.
VERSION <PROJECT_VERSION> Application version.
TITLE <APP_NAME> <VERSION> <cmb_build_architecture>-bit Title that is displayed on top of the application window.
ORGANIZATION Kitware Inc. Name of the organization that maintains the application.

Application properties are used to configure how different system will display the application in menus:

Resource Properties
Name Default Description
RESOURCE_DIR modelbuilder/ Change the directory for computing the default resources.
SPLASH <RESOURCE_DIR>/<NAME>-splash.png Splash screen image
ICON <RESOURCE_DIR>/<NAME>-icon.png Icon used for Unix like OSs
WINDOWS_ICON <RESOURCE_DIR>/win32/<NAME>.ico Icon used when building for windows
OSX_ICON <RESOURCE_DIR>/apple/<NAME>.incs Icon used when building for MacOS
LINUX_ICON_SIZES 22x22;32x32;96x96 List of icon sizes available for linux desktop
LINUX_ICON_<SIZE> <RESOURCE_DIR>/unix/<NAME>-<SIZE>.png Icon associated with the given <SIZE>
APP_DATA <RESOURCE_DIR>/unix/<NAME>.appdata.xml Application information for UNIX app

Resource properties are used to direct the application to image and file resources:

Using the property RESOURCE_DIR acts as a replacement for the default search path for resources that are not explicitly specified. The hierarchy for searching for resources is hard-coded and if a resource is not found it will result in an error.

Information Properties
Name Default Description
ORGANIZATION_URL The URL to the organization webpage.
WEBSITE_URL The URL to the application website. (Help->”Website”)
USER_GUIDE_URL The URL to the User Guide for this application. (Help->”User’s guide and tutorials”)
ISSUES_URL The URL to the bug reporting page. (Help->”Issue tracker”)

Information Properties will show up under the help menu to populate links and/or by the ParaView client when building the application.

About Dialog

Overriding the help dialog requires a QObject class to be defined. A reasonable template to start from can be found in modelbuilder/mbAboutDialogReaction{.h,.cxx}. To configure the About dialog use the cmb_configure_about_dialog CMake API provided by CMB.


  CLASS_NAME mbAboutDialogReaction

Default Layout Specification

Configure the default layout of the Qt dock widgets using the cmb_configure_layout_spec CMake API. A reasonable template to start from can be found in modelbuilder/mbLayoutSpec{.h,.cxx}.


  CLASS_NAME mbLayoutSpec